Things are busy in town at a Bauer Bros. Harness Booth on Booster Day. Bauer operated the Livery. An add reads they also sold "EMF 30 and Flanders 20 Automobiles -- Birdsell Wagons -- Up-to-date Buggies -- Hand-made Team and Buggy Harness, A very large stock of Horse Collars -- Automobile tires, tubes, grease, oils, soaps, polishes, battries, ammemeters, Tite-wads, enamels, spark plugs, etc. -- Immense Stock of fly nets. The picture was taken on September 19, 1912
A Wakarusa newspaper headline reads, Booster Day -- Band Carnival -- September 19 -- From the Rise of the Glorious Sun, on the Above Day and Date, Until the Electric Lights Blink Out, You are Invited to Be Wakausa's Guests. The day is set, the date is made for Booster Day and Band Carnival at Wakarusa, Thursday, September 19. It will be no tame affair either, but a day of innocent sports, and pleasing pastime for old and young alike. Not an old-time carnival with its demoralizing influence, but good, clean contests and exhibitions calculated to amuse and entertain. . . .
Photo Credit: Postcard by Flower, courtesy of Wakarusa Public Library
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