History: Early Photographs

1920-22 George Esenwein's Perkins Tractor Portable Saw Mill

"The advent of power tools and modern technology has changed many things in the world. But some old fashioned things still happen in and around Wakarusa but they happen just a little bit differently.
The picture at left shows a group of men who have gathered to cut fire wood.
The date and location of the picture are not known but it is guessed that it was taken in the early 1920's and probably just West of Wakarusa. The only man known is the third from the left holding his hat. He is Forest Yoder.
The machine in the picture is a portable steam engine used to power the buzz saw that the man at extreme right is resting his hand on. The steam engine would be moved from place to place to cut the wood needed for heating and cooking or to power other farm equipment.
The picture was loaned to us by the Forest Yoder Family."
by William Nich, Editor of Wakarusa Tribune

Mr. Fred Esenwein of Arlington Texas saw the picture of the early wood cutting on page 4 of the Wakarusa Tribune (printed above) on Jan. 22, 2003, and has shared the following information. He has a copy of the photograph that is identified found in the pictures of the late George Esenwein. His copy is identified as follows:
"George Esenwein and Crew cut firewood with his Perkins tractor, and front mounted bucksaw, on the Bollinger Farm near Wakarusa around 1920-1922. George is standing with his left hand on the bucksaw." This now makes two men who are known in the picture. The first was Forest Yoder, the third from the left holding his hat, and confirms the location.
The Wakarusa Tribune -- February 3, 2003, page 3.

Photo Credit: Forest Yoder Family and William Nich, Wakarusa Tribune, Jan. 22, 2003 
Internet Source: wakarusa.org
Webmaster: Leland M. Haines, Goshen, IN.